Is There Money in Product Photography?

Learn how to make money with product photography with expert tips from our guide. Find out what equipment you need, how much you can charge, and more.

Is There Money in Product Photography?

Product photography is a broad niche that covers a wide range of topics. It can be a very profitable field to enter, as most companies have some type of product they need to showcase on their website. Heavy products can be difficult to handle and often require both the photographer and assistant to lift and place the product on the table. To get an idea of the scope of product photography and its market size, here are some quick statistics.

The cost of product photography depends on your company, products, and image requirements. To stay competitive in the industry and make a living, you need to continuously develop your skills. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to get product photography jobs, as higher-paying customers are more likely to accept your offer without hesitation. To be successful in this business, you must be proactive and creative when it comes to finding customers.

These are the real costs for your company and should be included in the total cost of your product photography project. Product photography extends beyond just products, as it also covers food and real estate photography. Each of these fields has its own specialists who may charge high rates. As more small businesses move from physical stores to online stores, demand for product photographs will increase.

In addition to a camera and tripod, the rest of the equipment needed for product photography is minimal and doesn't cost much. To keep your business going, you should become an expert in a niche that's known to be challenging for others. Once you know all the categories of products or photographs and the number of images needed in each category, you can determine an exact price per image for each category and, therefore, the total cost of the project. Product photography is one of the few sectors where your work directly influences potential customers' purchasing decisions. You may need licenses and royalties if you have a performance-based contract.

If your products take a long time to appear on the photo table and this time has not been taken into account in the initial price of the image, an additional fee may be charged. Read on to learn how to make your product photography business profitable in the long term.